Recovery Tools

Recovery Tools In this article, we discuss some of the simple products you can use to aid your recovery without breaking the bank or yourself! Triathlon is a sport of 3 disciplines. It could be argued that you could add three more disciplines between the lines. The transition between each on race day and Brick […]
Power to The People Part 2

How to get more out of your power meter Part two of our guide to power meters; take a look if you want to get more out of them! Using a power meter on a bike has become an essential tool for athlets who want to improve their performance. It provides a precise measure of […]
Power to The People Part 1

Power Meter Basics Part one of our guide to power meters; take a look if you are considering taking the plunge! Power meters have become so much more accessible over the past few years due to lower prices and higher availability. The inclusion of estimated power from the likes of Zwift, Trainerroad etc., have also […]
Recovery – Why It’s Not Just About Getting More Sleep!

Recovery, why it’s not just about getting more sleep! In this article, we discuss proper recovery and how it’s not only sleep that is vital to recovery. Why Do We Need To Recover? One of the most important aspects of training for any endurance sport is allowing your body to recover properly. Without adequate […]
What Is Aerobic Decoupling, And Why Is It Important?

What is aerobic decoupling, and why is it important? In this article, our resident sports scientist, Coach Chris, introduces the concept of Aerobic Decoupling and discusses ways to find, identify, monitor and improve it. What Is It? Aerobic decoupling is a way to measure aerobic economy when riding or running. As aerobic endurance is vital […]
Tips for Deliberate Swim Practice

Tips for Deliberate Swim Practice Coach Chris discusses swimming skill and how it can be developed effectively, and how to avoid the typical pitfalls of technique practice that most newer atheltes fall into. Swimming for a triathlon can be quite a daunting experience for those new to the sport, especially if their knowledge of swimming […]
Pick The Right Event For You!

Pick the right event for you! This article looks at some great ways to decide what race to select that will give you the best experience possible. Picking the most suitable event can be a minefield. Some people choose on reputation, some on word of mouth, and others go for a potluck approach; however, there are hundreds […]
Training for an Ironman – Cycling

Training for an Ironman Cycling In this article, we look at the cycle section in an Ironman and how you can train for your first foray in to long-distance! We look at how you can structure your rides, what to include and how much time you need to dedicate to training Training for Ironman can […]
Training & Nutrition As Tools

Training & Nutrition as tools This article looks at some actionable advice that will help improve your health, fitness and wellbeing, without too much dedication or time! We live in times where fitness has become a massive trend, and paradoxically, fewer people consider it essential, giving way to other things to get on top of […]
Training for an Ironman – Running

Training for an Ironman Running In this article we look at how you can train for the Ironman run and what strategies you can use to ensure you can cover the distance and not get injured. Training for Ironman can be a daunting prospect, so we’ve put together a how-to guide for the run to […]